Upgrading LineageOS from 18.1 to 19.1 on Sony XZ2C

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Following the official guide, I ended up with the following error on the phone display:

E:Package is for product xz2c but expected H8324

(Just for completeness, this is what I got on my computer:)

$ adb sideload lineage-19.1-20221230-nightly-xz2c-signed.zip
serving: 'lineage-19.1-20221230-nightly-xz2c-signed.zip'  (~47%)    adb: failed to read command: Success

A thread on reddit pointed out that the recovery must be upgraded too, although there aren’t any specific instructions to be found.

How to upgrade recovery and proceed with upgrade

  1. Install fastboot on your computer (you might find the official installation guide helpful here and there).
  2. Download the recovery image and verify its checksum.
  3. Reboot your phone to bootloader. Via adb:
     $ adb reboot bootloader
  4. The status LED should be blue. Check:
     $ fastboot devices
     AB123C4DEF	fastboot
  5. Flash the recovery:
     $ fastboot flash boot lineage-19.1-20221230-recovery-xz2c.img
     target reported max download size of 805306368 bytes
     sending 'boot_b' (65536 KB)...
     OKAY [  2.571s]
     writing 'boot_b'...
     OKAY [  0.361s]
     finished. total time: 2.932s
  6. Unplug the cable. The LED should put out and the phone shut down.
  7. Boot into recovery: press together Volume Down + Power buttons (you can release them when the phone vibrates, indicating power on).
  8. Plug in the cable.
  9. If you get the following:
     $ adb devices
     List of devices attached
     AB123C4DEF	unauthorized

    Then navigate in the menu to AdvancedEnable ADB. Now you should get:

     $ adb devices
     List of devices attached
     AB123C4DEF	recovery
  10. Navigate to Apply updateApply from ADB.
  11. Flash the upgrade (the following steps are the same as in the upgrade guide):
    $ adb sideload lineage-19.1-20221230-nightly-xz2c-signed.zip
    Total xfer: 1.00x

    To my surprise, I didn’t end up with 47% this time. Anyway, the phone showed two steps being done and it took quite a while. Be patient.

  12. Done! :·) Just Reboot system now.

Note: I don’t use gapps, so the steps above don’t cover those. See the official guide instead.

Tagged with: LineageOS

Written: 2023-02-05